Tuesday, May 30, 2017

100: Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992) - Blank as a Fart

SPOILERS FOR TWIN PEAKS SEASONS 1 & 2 and TWIN PEAKS: FIRE WALK WITH ME (1992), including THE MISSING PIECES (deleted/extended scenes from the film).

In this episode:
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: This episode was recorded BEFORE Twin Peaks: The Return began airing, so you won't hear us discussing anything from the new series (besides the casting news released a while ago)--for better or for worse.
  • We return to the world of Twin Peaks for our 100th episode! Listen as we discuss the 1992 prequel movie Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, and all the weirdness it has to offer.
  • The weirdness is pretty dense in Fire Walk With Me, giving you a much more concentrated dose of what you get throughout the series.
  • Ian gets a bit into the expanded content and additional material on the Blu-ray Entire Mystery box set.
  • We dance around a bit talking about the kind of ineffable, cosmic horror parts of Twin Peaks.
  • Twin Peaks is very likely a weirdness magnet in the same storied company as Derry, Maine and Gravity Falls, Oregon
  • The show/film is incredibly esoteric in the way in attempts to communicate meaning and does little to alleviate that.
  • Fire Walk With Me doesn’t quite function as a single unit, it needs to come after the series to stand on its own.
  • We don’t always understand where Lynch is going with things, but we trust him to do it well.
  • We talk a little bit about shades of interpretation and the how the number of people involved in a film production can change the reading of a character.
  • Ian wants it to be known that he’s not an expert in Zen Buddhism
  • Sheryl Lee and Ray Wise are amazing together.
  • Twin Peaks is effective because it’s so focused. We want to learn more but learning more about that world would dilute the focus.
  • Apologies for the lateness of this episode once again. I (Ian) just got a new job, so editing fell to the wayside for a bit.
  • I also have watched the first four episodes of the new series, and holy crap, is it David Lynch-y.
  • As we mentioned on the episode: THIS IS NOT THE END! We already have ideas for upcoming episodes. Keep an eye out for them!